Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Baby Milo is HEEEEEEEEEERE!!! ^.^ | Step Talk

Baby Milo is HEEEEEEEEEERE!!! ^.^ | Step Talk

If finished, Go Up Learn about Jewish last name meanings, Jewish surname origins, etymology of Hebrew Last Names. Have you ever wondered.

We have yet to agree on anything we really like, only some names that we both think are #okay#. Our last name is Jacobson, so we#d like to stay away from names starting with #J# and have any kid of #son# sound in it, such as Mayson, ...

We don#t have resolution on what the last name will be. HC and I don#t share a last name. HC, as you would imagine, just assumed that we would give this kid his last name. So much for the rumor that HC was one of these so-called ...

Must be a a cultural thing in China, ie. the family is the most important, as when they answer the phone they answer with last name or family and then first name. So it is odd for a westerner to hear a nice lady answer the phone and ...

We have yet to agree on anything we really like, only some names that we both think are #okay#. Our last name is Jacobson, so we#d like to stay away from names starting with #J# and have any kid of #son# sound in it, such as Mayson, ...

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